Sunday, September 11, 2016

Twyla Smith - May 2016 unpublished - Ask Devin Nunes to re-examine his statements.

Rep. Devin Nunes must surely be aware of climate change and its consequences.  Here is a list of the governmental departments currently involved in seeking solutions for this most pressing problem: State, Defense, Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Interior, Health and Human Services, and Justice.  NASA and NOAA have also produced such voluminous documentation of global weather disruption, it is impossible to put into a short paragraph.  Instead, I direct readers to their websites.
97% of climate scientists are convinced, based on the evidence, that human-caused global warming is happening.  Congressman Nunes surely knows this, but for his own political purposes chooses to blow a smoke screen over the issue, claiming all these “global warming alarmists” are in it for the money.
You know who’s really in it for the money?  Major fossil fuel companies and trade groups shell out nearly $115 million a year to oppose efforts to reduce carbon emissions, according to a new report from the British research organization Influence Map.
The study’s authors consider this estimate to be on the low side. In comparison, they report supporters of climate change legislation spend an estimated $5 million annually.
I invite Rep. Nunes to re-examine his statements regarding climate change.
Twyla Smith
May 2016 - unpublished

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