Monday, January 23, 2017

Ruth Afifi - January 21, 2017 - Combating climate change is good for economy

Combating climate change is good for economy

Jim Patterson, my Republican Assemblyman, opposes any spending on what he calls Gov. Jerry Brown’s “climate change gamble.” In an email to constituents Jan. 10, Patterson says that climate change is just a theory, and efforts to reduce carbon emissions have “huge consequences to freedom, opportunity, prosperity and job creation, the cost-of-living and economic upward mobility.”
Patterson seems unaware that the U.S. economy grew by 10 percent between 2008 and 2015 while carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector fell by 9.5 percent. Obviously, combating climate change has not led to lower growth or a lower standard of living.
Patterson also seems unaware that twice as many Americans have jobs related to clean energy compared to the 1.1 million Americans who are producing fossil fuels and generating electric power with them.
Not all Republicans share Patterson’s disdain for reducing carbon emissions and moving away from fossil fuels. In 2006, Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the California Global Warming Solutions Act (Assembly Bill 32) and several Republicans have joined the bipartisan congressional Climate Solutions Caucus. Patterson should reconsider his views on climate change and what we can do about it.
Ruth Afifi, Fresno
January 21, 2017


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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Don Gaede & Alexander Sherriffs - January 10, 2017 - Bird captures impact of climate change on public health

Bird captures impact of climate change on public health 

January 10, 2017

Hats off to Dr. Ken Bird, Fresno County’s Public Health Officer, for highlighting the importance of climate change in last month’s online newsletter To Your Health. This outstanding series has previously shed light on important public health issues like the nationwide opioid epidemic, hepatitis C, and the insufficient numbers of health care providers in our Valley.
In his December article, Dr. Bird writes, “We in Fresno County and the Valley cannot afford to ignore climate change and its health consequences . . . We are very much more at risk (from climate change) due to the bowl-like topography of our environment, the tenuous nature of our water supply, and our economic dependence upon agriculture.”
Dr. Bird’s call to action echoes that of several other health organizations: the American Public Health Association declared 2017 to be “The Year of Climate Change and Health,” and the American College of Physicians recently issued a call for physicians to “help combat climate change by advocating for effective climate change adaptation and mitigation policies.” Our Fresno-Madera Medical Society and the California Medical Association endorsed similar policies this past year.

Thank you, Dr. Bird, for keeping us informed about these timely topics.

Don Gaede, M.D., and Alexander Sherriffs, M.D., Fresno

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Read more here: you, Dr. Bird, for keeping us informed about these timely topics.
Don Gaede, M.D., and Alexander Sherriffs, M.D., Fresno

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Saturday, January 7, 2017

Bruce Ratcliff - January 6, 2017 - Shake-up call: We aren’t helpless against climate change

Shake-up call: We aren’t helpless against climate change 

 January 6, 2017

One hopes our recent earthquake will serve as a shake-up call to those who believe we humans are in charge of the planet. Everything from the pyramids to the interstate highway system shows we’re the top dog around here, right? But no. Mother Nature is in the driver’s seat.
Though we can prepare for nature’s disasters like earthquakes, we can’t stop them – just like climate change, right? But no. Recent extreme weather events – record rainfalls, hurricanes, droughts; global temperatures rising, cannot be blamed on Mother Nature. We’re in the driver’s seat (literally) for this one.
Fortunately, we humans can slow, even stop climate change. A sensible plan to do just that has been proposed by Citizens’ Climate Lobby: a slowly increasing fee on fossil fuels, all returned to the public, that uses a free-market solution to get citizens to cut their fossil fuels consumption voluntarily.
One morning back in 1957, I was caught exactly half way between my friend’s house and mine during the worst earthquake since the 1906 San Francisco temblor. I froze, helpless, paralyzed by fear. We needn’t feel helpless – or hopeless – about climate change. We caused it; we can cure it.

Bruce Ratcliffe, Fresno

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Twyla Smith December 18, 2016 Congress’ bipartisan work on water sets good example for climate change

Congress’ bipartisan work on water sets good example for climate change

 December 18, 2016 11:50 AM