Monday, June 10, 2019

Connie Young - 5-10-2019 - Thanking Congress for climate votes

Thanking Congress for climate votes

 May 10, 2019

I’m feeling grateful to three Republican members of Congress who joined Democrats to vote for the Climate Action Now Act (HR 9), which would prevent the administration from pulling out of the Paris climate accord. They are Reps. Elise Stefanik of New York, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania and Vern Buchanan of Florida. Having seen the suffering caused by sea level rise and more dangerous storms, they courageously put the welfare of their constituents above party politics.
Likewise, I appreciate Reps. Jim Costa and TJ Cox, who also voted for this resolution. They are paying attention to climate scientists and constituents who advise that addressing climate change now will save lives and cost far less than ignoring the problem.
Polls show that voters prefer candidates and politicians who reach across the aisle to work with members of other parties. Their ability to collaborate enables them to legislate more effective solutions than those resulting from the “my way or the highway” approach.
Let’s thank these legislators for working together for the common good.
Connie Young, Fresno

Patricia Reeves - 5-4-2019 - Support proposed carbon dividend

Support proposed carbon dividend

May 4, 2019

George Burman summarized the effects of climate change quite accurately in his Valley Voice last Saturday. There is an important information, however, that needs to be added.
A bipartisan solution, the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, (H.R. 763) was introduced into Congress in January and has been steadily gaining co-sponsors as well as support from major institutions. This policy will reduce America’s emissions by at least 40% in the first 12 years. The fees collected on carbon emissions will be allocated to all Americans to spend any way they choose. The government will not keep any of the fees collected. This bill needs your support.

Patricia Reeves, Fresno

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Robert Pethoud - 5-4-2019 - Climate change and democracy

Climate change and democracy


George Burman (Valley Voices, April 27) elucidated frightening consequences of climate change, likening human civilization to the crew of the Titanic in its denial and inaction. Bottom line: global warming is real, it’s bad, and we caused it, by spewing billions of tons of greenhouse gases into Earth’s atmosphere.
Yet we may avoid catastrophe if we take action immediately. We must insist that our elected representatives support HR 763, the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. This revenue-neutral bill puts a gradually increasing fee on carbon at the source, returning the proceeds to American families as a dividend while reducing America’s emissions by 40%.
But that’s not all. Global warming has been understood since the 1970s, but the fossil fuel industry has waged a massive, unrelenting campaign of lobbying, donations, and outright lying to keep Americans from accepting the facts. To counter that, we must also support HJR 48, the “We the People Amendment,” which will establish that (1) corporations are not persons entitled to constitutional rights and (2) money is not speech and can be regulated in elections. We must take back our democracy from the monied interests in order to tackle climate change and other problems we face.

 Robert Pethoud, Fresno

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Andrea Boone - 5-2-2019 - Religious leaders and climate change

Religious leaders and climate change 

May 2, 2019 

 This is a plea to Valley religious leaders and their faith communities. I believe religious leaders try to be good stewards to their congregations and good stewards for all of God's beautiful creation. Air pollution in our Valley worsens conditions for all of us, but especially for the children and the elderly. Our rates of asthma, Valley fever and COPD are already high and the worsening wildfires exacerbated by climate change will make it worse.
Religious leaders are in a position to raise awareness and encourage steps to improve the situation. Letters and phone calls to members of Congress can lead to action. People also can join and help environmental organizations. I belong to Citizens’ Climate Lobby Fresno, which has chapters all across the United States.
We are excited that we have a bipartisan-supported bill in Congress, HR 763. If passed it will create jobs and reduce carbon pollution.
To be good stewards, I hope religious leaders and faith-based communities will take bold steps to protect our valley, God’s creation, and all life on earth.

Andrea Boone, Fresno

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