Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Ruth Afifi - 8-5-2018 - Thanks for climate warming coverage

August 5, 2018

 Thanks for climate warming coverage

Many thanks for your continuing coverage of climate change. Your recent editorial about the “terrifying glimpses into California’s future” foretold by the current wildfires is stunning; also outstanding was your July 26 editorial on the relationship between increased temperatures and suicides. The number of valuable articles and letters you publish on the subject differs from TV, where any mention of climate change seems to be bad for ratings. Few media sources inform us that the world’s longer and worse heat waves and the increasing number and intensity of fires are the result of global warming. At least The Bee is helping us make the connection.
Ruth Afifi, Fresno


Read more here: https://www.fresnobee.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/article216065590.html#storylink=cpy

Don Gaede - 8-5-2018 - Misguided Logging, Climate Change

Misguided logging, climate change

I’d like to thank Nancy Kilgore for her Aug. 1 letter about the fires threatening Yosemite; it is indeed heartbreaking. Misguided logging practices and global warming are both contributing to this sad situation. Blaming one side or the other accomplishes little. If we are to have the most impact, we must address both issues. Let’s all work together on this very challenging problem

Don Gaede

Responding to this:

Here’s who to blame for forest fires 

Thank you, environmentalists and Gov. Brown, for destroying our beautiful forests, wildlife, logging businesses and jobs all for the sake of the spotted owl. So many dead trees standing that should have been thinned out along with all the brush over the years. Just shameful! You worry about the spotted owl, but what about the rest of the wildlife that have been trapped by the fires and died. What about homes, businesses and jobs that have been lost. Now our beautiful Yosemite is threatened! Just heartbreaking!