Monday, February 12, 2018

Don Gaede - February 2018, not published - China Peak snow


Marek Warszowski’s article about the financial woes of China Peak demonstrates another way that climate change is going to be bad for business--especially the ski business.  Climate scientists say this year’s snow no-show is likely to be part of long-term trend; they predict a 50% decline in Sierra snow pack by the end of the century.

Not surprisingly, climate change has been a top priority of America’s ski industry for at least 15 years.  Their very existence depends on a cool climate.

The National Ski Areas Association website says “Climate change presents challenges to the ski industry that require proactive planning, bold action and leadership.”  They advocate reducing the carbon emissions of their operations through energy efficiency, as well as legislation on climate change solutions.  They also encourage skiers to ask their legislators to act to prevent climate change.

So I call on all skiers, snowboarders, snowmobilers, and other lovers of snow to contact Reps. Devin Nunes, David Valadao, and Jim Costa.  Ask them to pass legislation now to help protect our winter snowpack, and help keep China Peak in business.

 Don Gaede

Don Gaede - January 2018 - not published - Climate Change a Clear and Present Danger


As Peter McDonald noted in his Jan. 12 letter, the cost of climate change is beginning to be felt, and as it turns out, it's not going to come cheap.

It is one thing to commit an error, but to do nothing when you know better—that’s just plain stupidity.  Our nation’s best scientific institutions--NASA, the National Academy of Sciences, and the American College of Physicians--have given us fair warning about the threat of climate change.   It is irresponsible and negligent for our congressional representatives to sit on their hands in the face of this threat. 

Winston Churchill said, “I never worry about action, but only inaction.”  Climate change, we know now, is a clear and present danger.  We should be electing representatives who are not afraid to act, to protect both our bank accounts and our lives.

Don Gaede


Peter McDonald - Jan. 12, 2018 - Mudslides, fires are all symptoms of climate change

Mudslides, fires are all symptoms of climate change

January 12, 2018 02:43 PM

Read more here:


Ruth Afifi - January 2, 2018 - Trump climate change tweets leave her cold

Trump climate change tweets leave her cold

January 02, 2018 04:01 PM

Read more here:

Connie Young - Dec. 21, 2017 - Community Medical Centers stands up for community health


Community Medical Centers stands up for community health

 December 21, 2017 02:02 PM

Read more here:

Peter McDonald - Sept. 22, 2017 - Citizens Climate Lobby seeks bipartisan solutions

Citizens Climate Lobby seeks bipartisan solutions

September 22, 2017 02:51 PM

Read more here:

Bruce Ratcliffe - Sept. 6 2017 - Don’t like tax hikes? Slow global warming

Don’t like tax hikes? Slow global warming

September 06, 2017 05:01 PM

Read more here:

Devin Carroll - Not published - Climate Cooling Predictions

September 2017
Submitted to Fresno Bee, not published

We see statements that scientists in the 1970s predicted Earth would cool, so we should not trust scientists today who say Earth will continue warming.
Yes, some scientists did predict cooling due to industrial aerosols reflecting incoming light.  But this was not a consensus.  The National Academy of Scientists said “We do not have a good quantitative understanding of our climate machine … It does not seem possible to predict climate.” 
Even in the 1970s, six times as many science papers predicted warming as cooling.
Today we have many more and better weather satellites, vastly greater computer modeling power, and 40 more years of research.
Now NAS says we have “strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring... It is likely that most of the warming in recent decades can be attributed to human activities... The scientific understanding of climate change is now sufficiently clear to justify nations taking prompt action.”
The aerosol scientists were not wrong.  Aerosols do reflect some sun rays.  Models using increasing greenhouse gases predict too much warming if they ignore aerosols.  Professional climate deniers criticize these incomplete models for inaccuracy, without mentioning the aerosol correction.  That is deliberate deception.

Devin Carroll