Don’t relax the fuel standards
October 18, 2018My friends would tell you I don’t get riled up very often. But the EPA’s latest proposal has done the trick. It proposes to stop making any effort to increase the fuel economy of our nation’s vehicles. It would undermine long-standing efforts to clean up our polluted Valley air.
I was at the EPA hearing downtown last week, wearing my white coat, letting them know that this is one doctor — among many — who oppose the change. The executive directors of the air districts of Los Angeles and the Bay Area were also at the hearing, speaking against the proposal. I didn’t spot our own air district executive director, Samir Sheikh. Maybe I missed him.
The proposed change does not sync with the EPA’s stated mission which is “protecting human health and the environment.” Neither does it sync with one of our local air district’s core values, which is “protection of public health.”
If any air district in the country needs to oppose this rule change, our Valley Air District needs to. If any air district in the country needs to support higher vehicle emission standards, our Valley Air District needs to.
Don Gaede, Fresno