NASA not part of climate change cult
Which of the following entities consists of radical environmentalists: NASA? The Pentagon? The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change? None of the above, of course! But in a recent column, Cal Thomas labels those who believe we need to stop greenhouse gas pollution, “part of the climate change cult.”NASA, the Pentagon, and the IPCC all identify heat-trapping gases from burning coal and oil as the cause of climate change. They agree that climate change worsens wildfires, air pollution and storms. They also agree it is causing rising oceans, drought, crop damage, and even increased terrorism due to economic and geographic instability.
How about Ronald Reagan’s secretary of state, George Shultz, or Trent Lott, who both strongly advocate legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions? Are they “tree huggers”?
The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act will soon be re-introduced in Congress. Reliable economists say it will create millions of jobs and put dividend money directly in Americans’ pockets. They report it will stimulate innovations that will stop greenhouse gas buildup and prevent thousands of premature deaths from air pollution. Please let your members of Congress know that you want them to vote yes for this game-changing bill.
Andrea Farber De Zubiria, Fresno