Saturday, October 10, 2015

Connie Young 10/9/2015 Learn from South Carolina’s mistakes on climate change

Learn from South Carolina’s mistakes on climate change

Online 10/9/15   Print 10/10/15

In 2010, South Carolina Republican Bob Inglis lost his bid for re-election to the House of Representatives in part because he spoke out about the need to address climate change. For that reason, Mr. Inglis was this year’s recipient of the John F. Kennedy Library’s prestigious Profile in Courage Award, given to a public servant who takes a principled but unpopular position.

This week, as they struggle with historic rainfall and flooding, many South Carolinians may be wishing they had elected Mr. Inglis instead of his short-sighted opponent. By heeding climate science, Mr. Inglis might have ensured that the state was better prepared for extreme weather. Equally important, he would have have advocated for Congressional action on climate change.

As we Californians cope with mega-fires and the hottest and driest three years in 12 centuries, we can learn from South Carolina’s mistake. Let’s find out what our members of Congress think and are doing about climate change. Locally, constituents of Congressmen Kevin McCarthy, Tom McClintock and Devin Nunes can urge them to support the Republican-sponsored Gibson resolution (HR 424), which calls for Congressional action on climate change.

All politicians want to be on the right side of history. This is their chance!

Connie Young

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