Win-win solution on fees
In an article on Assemblymember Henry T. Perea's bill
to delay implementation of "cap and trade," you quote state Sen. Andy
Vidak, R-Hanford, as saying, "Gasoline is not a luxury for most
Californians; it's a necessity."
This statement is absolutely
true; but so is Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg's statement
regarding the costs of curbing carbon pollution-- "the cost of doing
nothing is even greater."
There is however, a solution to both
problems -- a recent report by the respected nonpartisan REMI group
(Regional Economic Modeling Inc.) shows that a carbon-based fee that is
actually returned to households would ease the pain to everyday
Americans, put the brakes on pollution and actually create 2 million
Good for the environment, good for taxpayers, good for the
economy -- so why are our legislators delaying on bringing such a bill
to the table?
Join the Citizen's Climate Lobby in contacting your
congressperson and urging them to take a look at the REMI report and the
positive results this type of revenue-neutral carbon fee and dividend
would have. Your children will thank you!
Twyla Smith
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