Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Twyla Smith - unpublished 5/2017 - Fossil Fuels vs. Renewal Energy

I’m writing in response to Russell Harland’s recent letter regarding fossil fuels vs. renewal energy.  Mr. Harland contends renewal energy companies shouldn’t need subsidies to be competitive; ignoring the massive hand-outs the fossil fuel industry has enjoyed for many decades. 
It’s true renewables are beginning to get a bigger slice of the pie—and they should.  Who wouldn’t prefer to support energy sources that free us from increasing reliance on foreign countries, and from the pollution, environment degradation and health consequences of fossil fuels? 
When examining the energy programs of Australia and Canada, I believe Mr. Harland fails to look at the whole picture.  Canada’s soon to be implemented plan is based on British Columbia’s, which has been in place since 2008, and has lowered carbon emissions while their economy kept pace with the rest of the country.  It’s been a success, and remains very popular!
Sadly, by failing to return the monies collected back to their people, the Australian plan was doomed.  The lesson learned is that the “dividend” component of any carbon fee is absolutely necessary to protect both consumers and the economy.
Canada’s plan, once proved successful, could be our role model for the future.

Twyla Smith
May 2017

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