Thursday, March 28, 2019

Andrea Farber De Zubiria -3-18-2019 - It’s not confusing, it’s climate change

It’s not confusing, it’s climate change

March 18, 2019

I appreciate the confusion Rod Jenson expressed in his letter, (Flood or Drought? Climate Confusion, March 13) wondering if climate change means we need to be prepared for floods or for droughts. Unfortunately, we need to prepare for both, due to “weather whiplash.”
Carbon dioxide and other gases produced by burning oil and coal interfere with the radiant cooling of the Earth. This greenhouse effect causes excess heat energy to build up in the atmosphere and oceans. With more energy buildup, the normal variations of weather will get supercharged. UCLA scientists predict that the usual amount of rain will fall, but in a shorter period, leading to severe flooding events. In California, this will be followed by longer warm and dry seasons, creating conditions for bigger wildfires.
It’s going to be expensive and difficult to shore up our infrastructure, support our first responders, cope with air pollution and adjust our land management policies. Experts say we can still prevent some of the worst effects of climate change if we transition to cleaner forms of energy. The Energy Innovation and Climate Dividend Act has been proposed in the House. You can read how it will help at and tell your member of Congress.

Andrea Farber De Zubiria, Fresno

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