Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Kaelyn Xiong - 4-4-2021 - Our Valley at risk by climate change


Our Valley at risk by climate change 

April 4, 2021

 Early risers know the true beauty of the Valley. They know the feeling of the brisk morning air hitting their skin, and how brightly the sun shines as it peaks over the Sierra Nevada. This place we call home is only a small piece of the beauty that this Earth has to offer. But as climate change worsens, the beauty that we have become accustomed to is in danger.

Our daily actions, and inactions, are proving to be detrimental to our only home. Climate change is a pervasive issue caused by human activity. And it is time we mend what we have broken. But as prominent sociologist Charles Derber has suggested in “The Wilding of America,” small, personal changes are not enough to remedy climate change. So, call onto your elected officials at the local, state, and federal level. Urge them to create and support legislation that holds large corporations accountable for their carbon footprint. 

 We must continue to educate ourselves and mobilize those around us. The conversations are hard. And the work we have ahead of us is even harder. But the preservation of this Earth, for us and generations to come, will always have been well worth it.

Kaelyn Xiong, Fresno



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