Friday, September 2, 2022

Anna Villavicencio - 8-21-2022? - Make a Carbon Adjustment

Bakersfield Californian 

Before August 21, 2022 


In a recent letter to the editor, doubt was expressed about the current state of the world warming. Yes, the Earth's climate has been changing for a long time, going through natural cycles. What's different is that this time the Earth is warming much faster. And, the warming started speeding up when humans started burning fossil fuels during the industrial revolution.

Try thinking about Earth's atmosphere as a blanket wrapped around the Earth. Burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases, which act to thicken the blanket. More heat gets trapped inside Earth because less can escape past the blanket.

Europe's carbon border adjustment will affect American business in a negative way. Clearly if we care about our economy and business, we'll want to enact our own carbon border adjustment to protect our businesses, whether we care about climate change or not.

Take Germany, for example, which did rely on Russia for natural gas. But if they didn't need natural gas, Russia would have less leverage on them and their economy might be doing better. With the price volatility of fossil fuels, which actually helps to drive inflation, it seems smarter to depend on energy sources that are constant and won't go away. A carbon border adjustment will help our countries and others to make a transition to renewable energy while helping American businesses.

— Anna Villavicencio, Three Rivers

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