Monday, January 9, 2023

Don Gaede - 1-7-2023 - A healthy climate for our children

 Bakersfield Californian.  Jan 7, 2023 

A healthy climate for our children

After years of drought in California, I was dubious when I first read the study published by the California Department of Water Resources that said catastrophic flooding in California is becoming much more likely as our planet heats up due to buildup of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

In 1861-1862, incessant rains transformed the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys into a vast inland sea, and inundated the now densely populated areas of Los Angeles and Orange counties. The study pointed out that because a warmer atmosphere can hold more moisture, and because precipitation in the Sierras will tend to be in the form of rain instead of snow, the risk of such a once-in-a-millennium flood will greatly increase if climate change is not addressed. The “bomb cyclones” we’ve recently experienced may be the first sign of more extreme events to come.

The good news is that effective climate solutions are available — but the bad news is that the political will to implement them is often lacking. I encourage folks to join groups such as Citizens’ Climate Lobby, where your voice will be amplified as we work to preserve a healthy, stable climate for our children and grandchildren.

— Don Gaede, San Luis Obispo

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